This is a Nordic style larp based on the UK series 'Come Dine With Me'.
It's a comedy larp, meant for 4 goofy short sessions, intended to be played while drunk/drinking.
index cards
4 friends
A kitchen (optional)
Another room to eat in- preferably with a table, chairs, knives and forks. (optional)
Ingredients to cook a delicious dinner party meal (optional).
The objective of the game is to lose the game of 'Come Dine With Me' by being the worst host/dinner party guest.
The guests are trying to make the host seem like a great guy, and the host is trying to make himself look like satan incarnate.
1. If the conversation goes bad - or someone says something you find actually offensive, say the phrase "[real name here] - why not try that again". People playing these games can get carried away, and sometimes just a gentle nod can move the game back to where you want it to be.
2. Yes and, no but. Do not resist the fiction, if someone says something about your character unless it's disprovable untrue, go with it.
3. Similarly, if you do not know something about your character, and you are asked it, make it up!
4. None of your characters are criminals or have done anything illegal. Or at least, they won't admit it on TV. They can really look like a murderer, or have a suspiciously large amount of counterfeit cigarette boxes, or make regular trips to the door to swap packages for money with the various people from the neighborhood, but they cannot admit to a crime on the show.
5. To ensure proper engagement, the producers of the show have asked all the guests to roll on this chart 3 times. If they do not know the answers to the questions, for each guest by the end of the show, they are disqualified.
1. If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?
2. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
3. What is one goal you’d like to accomplish during your lifetime?
4. When you were little, who was your favorite super hero and why?
5. Who is your hero? (a parent, a celebrity, an influential person in one’s life)
6. What’s your favorite thing to do in the summer?
7. If they made a movie of your life, what would it be about and which actor would you want to play you?
8. If you were an ice cream flavor, which one would you be and why?
9. What’s your favorite cartoon character, and why?
10. If you could visit any place in the world, where would you choose to go and why
11. What’s the ideal dream job for you?
12. Are you a morning or night person?
13. What are your favorite hobbies?
14. What are your pet peeves or interesting things about you that you dislike?
15. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
16. Name one of your favorite things about someone in your family.
17. Tell us about a unique or quirky habit of yours.
18. If you had to describe yourself using three words, it would be…
19. If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, a comedy, a romantic-comedy, action film, or science fiction?
20. If I could be anybody besides myself, I would be…
Everyone gets together and writes the worst traits of a dinner party guest on index cards. Make it a sentence. For instance "Always wants to talk about the novel they are writing "
"Seems to be completely illiterate - but gets irate if anyone brings it up "
"Can't take any kind of criticism without breaking down into hysterical fits of tears"
"Creepy obsessed with John Wilks Booth"
Write about 40 odd cards, between the four of you. Talk about some, but keep some as a surprise. Then turn them to face down.
You pick up 4 cards randomly. If you hate your hand, throw it away and pick up more. It doesn't really matter. So long as you end up with 4 cards it's fine.
You then describe your appearance, any other details you wish to elaborate on.
Throughout this process, ensure your character is completely different from you!
If you are a man, be a woman. If you are gay, you are now straight. If you are fat, you are now thin. If you are loud and boisterous, you are now boring and timid. This is important, because if the character is you, then you are just going to spend the evening getting trashed, and that's no fun.
You must stick to the intent of the cards.
Decide who will go first to host.
The host then gets to decide what hilarious costumes they want everyone to come dressed in.
The game starts when the first guest arrives.
Hopefully in the kind of hilarious and thoroughly appropriate outfit that one would naturally want to meet a group of strangers in.
Once all the guests arrive, the host can start cooking.
Player Tip: make sure you use this time to trash the menu, the other party goers and the decor of the room you are in.
Player Tip: make sure you get inappropriately drunk before the food is served.
The 'Come Dine With Me' crew must approve of the menu before you start cooking and after you have finished, ensuring you have not poisoned anyone and that you stick to dietary requirements. Other than that, the food can be as bad as you want. Just
keep in mind, you and your friends will have to probably eat it in real life.
You eat dinner. The guests ask each other questions, and give answers, just like strangers who are having a dinner party. Except everyone is furiously writing notes and asking questions, all while pretending to be bastards, and pretending that each other are saints.
Frame the Scene!
The host gets to decide what their living room and kitchen look like. What visible props are lying around, what is the decor, how does it smell. Use that power and be vivid.
"When we were looking around your house, we found this thing"!
Everyone gets one thing they can show the host, that they 'found lying around the house' which immediately becomes true.
They might find your Nobel peace prize. Or your litter of cute puppies. Or that check you wrote out to 'The needy'. It's your job to quickly explain why you are still a bastard.
If a player points to another player, makes a square with their finger around the players face, and says aloud "CUTAWAY!" then they are calling for a cutaway interview.
A player may also nominate themselves for a cutaway, by pointing at their own face and saying "CUTAWAY" but the rest of the group must majority consent for this to happen by saying 'Yes'
The nominated character must monologue what they are thinking and feeling as if filmed in a cutaway interview while holding their fingers in a square gesture over their face. Use this opportunity to hammer home some home truths, the kind of thing which you wouldn't say to someone's face.
The Entertainment.
At the end of every night, its time for the host to do his entertainment. Do you have no idea how to play the saxophone? then maybe enthrall your guests with a quick improvised melody.
It is an open vote, and other players can contest. They can say for instance "HEY I had a great time at your meal dick head, the food was fucking divine, and the conversation was fucking enthralling. I was the fucking shit one mate, i said all that weird inappropriate stuff about this guys mom! "
At the end, everyone gives everyone who isnt them a number from one to ten. The person with the least votes wins, and gets the victory moment of standing up and having a hissy fit over not winning a thousand pounds.
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